auxilium logo

We are a team of young and energetic chartered accountants with a goal of providing the best services in India. Here at Auxilium corporate consultants we provide many kind of services such as Indian corporate and management consultancy, accounting, auditing, company formation and many more. Our team will help you and guide you in navigating all the hurdles of the many law and ever changing environment, and making sure that your business grows.


Global reach

Advisory services

Disclosure services

Journal completeness

Auxilium Corporate Consultants

Auxilium is incorporated in India with an aim to facilitating Small and Medium businesses (Audit Firms in particular and wider industry in general) to achieving high quality, maximizing the profit and optimizing their business for the best profit. 

Our services

Support Office Solutions

The idea is to support small and medium accountancy firms in setting up their back-offices.

Virtual Office Solutions

Our V-Office Solution is in particularly designed for small and medium sized businesses.

Business Process Outsourcing

We want you to focus on building your business whilst we provide background support.

Auditing Solutions

we can assist you achieving your quality objectives without incurring any significant cost.

Accounting Solutions

If your business is transiting to IFRS then, our AASR team will help you in providing the solution.

Reporting Solutions

We will provide you a detailed report detailing about your business and this will help you understand and improve.

Pricing that suits you.


It is the easiest when it comes to budgeting for it. No over / under! You may also opt for Fixed plus Variable combination


A lot of work, we will help you by taking some work from you and chare only for that small work and not the full price. 


We also offer our services at a fixed charge out rate per hour or per day. To know the exact price please contact us. 

ABC model

Don’t want to delegate full work. Our services are also available on service by service basic. 

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