Use the FORCE.
Admit it, we all have extended our arms and try to use the force, but we don’t live in a world with planet-destroying moons. However, as a business, we can do something similar. Please don’t expect to force-choke your competition after reading the article.
In the world of star wars characters can sense things before they happen. Businesses can do something similar with the help of data from various sources. In today’s world, we have everything connected with the internet and this gives us the power of analytics. Analytics will not give you telekinesis but it will give the business data which it can use to predict the future via patterns in the data which they have from various sources. These sources range from all mighty Yoda of the internet Google analytics to Microsoft clarity. However just like the force data only gives you insight but at the end of the day it is only data and it doesn’t mean anything until and unless someone analyzes it and makes it so that it can be understood and used. Understand as being the raw force. The force needs someone to flow through and guide their actions.
But we are only human and thus we can’t fully rely on the data alone because patterns can deceive us just like the dark side of the force. Just like seeing Trump face in a tub of margarine.
Overconfidence is a curse
You might think that you are the most powerful and hold absolute power and no one could defeat you, but this is very far from reality. Just like Darth Vader thought that the resistance had no chance against the empire. As we know it was the resistance that caused the empire defeat. When you will be starting your own business there will be others who have much more power in every way possible, but you have to use what you have to make strategic moves and even the playing field. You might have a closer touch with the ground and you can use it to better model your products so that it matches and satisfies their needs. It is quite hard for big companies to get a real understanding of what people on the streets really want.
Never tell me the odds
Star wars is all about finding the balance. In the grand scheme of things and also in yourself. Too much confidence can be very harmful for you and too little can also harm your business but in a different way. In the film, Han Solo goes into an asteroid field to avoid capture. One droid C3PO tells him the odds of surviving the asteroid field is 3,720 to 1!. At this moment Han solo had the confidence in his knowledge and skills to navigate the asteroid field. If you have the ability and skills in something then you should never let anyone like C3PO tell you the odds. You have to go with it
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
Faith is one of the biggest forces a human can believe in and it is the same for the business. If a business doesn’t believe in its mission then that business can not succeed because it is based on something which you don’t truly believe in. This goes even deeper, if your team does not have faith in the boss or the boss does not have faith in the team then it becomes a fight to prove themselves. When this starts to happen the team can quickly break and not work collectively towards the common shared goal.
Dream big and grab the opportunity when it comes.
In a new hope, Luke Skywalker has a simple life, but he dreams of adventure. When came to know about the resistance he joined in and in the process became the one who brought balance to the force in the galaxy far far away away.
Do or do not. There is no try.
In Empire Strikes back grand Master Yoda tells Luke skywalker this iconic quote. To put it simply this means that you should never do something with half of your heart. If you do something without full effort both mind and body then all of your results will be in vain. All of your time money energy and efforts will be wasted. Whatever you want to do, do it with full heart if you do that then you will be able to get it done, just like Luke was able to bring Ankien back to the light side.