This new amazon update for its advertising is going to help sellers in measuring the effectiveness of the brand awareness campaign. Today in this article I will explain in detail what this update is how you can use it and why it is important for all of the sellers. This will give you everything that you’ll need to know about this new update.
This new update is about measuring brand awareness, but before we get in the actual update we first need to understand what brand awareness is. In simple terms, brand awareness is selling the whole concept, ideology, and everything that the brand represents because now the brands are much more than just logo and tag line they have more personality just like real people do. So the whole concept behind brand awareness is the sell the brand and not the actual product of the brand. This is why sometimes you know what brand there is just by the color or the music that is associated with the brand. One of the campaigns that you can run to increase brand awareness is Sponsored Brands.
New amazon update
In this update, amazon had introduced a new method to measure the effectiveness of this campaign, because if you don’t know whether or not the campaign is showing the result then there is no way by which you can make the changes to improve the campaign.
Now you are able to see search impression (IS) for your brand awareness campaign. Amazon has defined the search impression as the “percentage of top-of-search impressions your campaign received out of the total top-of-search impressions it was eligible to serve on.” These updates will show you data for the last 90 days.
Why is this important
This is a relatively small update when compared to some of the other major updates that amazon ads had removed in the last 6 months, but this update will help you to make sure that you are not doing something that will not bring you results or something that you could be doing that will give you even better results.
This new update will be available in the following countries.
- North America: United States, Canada, Mexico
- South America: Brazil
- Europe: Germany, Spain, France, Italy, United Kingdom
- Middle East: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
- Asia Pacific: Australia, India, Japan, Singapore
This feature can be used by three people.
- Vendors
- Sellers
- Authors
You can find this in your Ad console.
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