What does E-commerce consultancy do?

What does E-commerce consultancy do?

What does E-commerce consultancy do?

If you are reading this article then there is a very strong chance that you are interested in E-commerce consultancy and you want to know all about it.  Well in this article we are going to tell you everything you need to know about e-commerce consultancy. So, let’s get started.  

To put it bluntly, e-commerce consultancy is a service that helps you in making more money by using their expertise and vast knowledge of this field. This is an oversimplification of their work and it’s much more complicated than “using knowledge to make money for you”. Let’s take a deep dive into the nit gritty and understand how they actually help you.

E-commerce consultancy helps you by taking work from you and doing it more efficiently and these works are as follows.

  •       Selecting products.
  •       Selecting and negotiating with the supplier.
  •       Advertising.
  •       Conversion optimization.
  •       Review and customer feedback.
  •       Searching and navigating new markets.

Now let’s understand each and every point one by one.

Selecting products.

Selling products.

So, you have seen videos on YouTube about the growth of e-commerce consultancy and read reports about the potential of success in this industry and you have decided that you want in. However, before you go ahead and jump headfirst. You need to know which product you are going to sell. Now this might seem like no brainer and you might think that you already know what you want to sell, but there are so many things that go into this step and if this step is not correct then you might feel like you are not growing.

e-commerce consultants have done this countless times and they know what goes behind the screen and what combination of products will help you get the most sale and thus more profit by the extension.

Different platform prefers different products and if you tried to sell the wrong product on the wrong platform then it doesn’t matter how good your advertisement you will not be able to succeed in that market. Now oy can take your time and do your research into which platform has an advantage relating to your product, but all the time you are doing research your competition is selling and taking over the market. In this time where the market never sleeps time is money and can’t waste any time.  

Now that you have clarity on what product you want to sell and on which platform. It’s time for us to move to the 2nd point.    

Selecting and negotiating with the supplier.

Negotiation with the supplier.

Let’s be honest almost none of us the manufactures of the product which we have selected in the previous point, and if you are the manufacture then congratulation, you can skip this point, but for the rest of us, we have to find a supplier for the product which we want to sell. This step can affect how fast you grow because if you manage a supplier who can sell you the product at a lower cost than you can increase your margin and make more profit or keep the margin low and capture more market.

This is where all of the experience of the e-commerce consultants come into play. They are in the game for so long that they have a huge network of suppliers and they can find you the supplier which can give you the product on the lowest and even if they can’t they can negotiate with them and get some deal with benefits both parties. This takes a lot of work from you and you can rest assured that what you are getting is the best from what the market has to offer.

At this point, you have a product that you want to sell and a supplier from which you will get the product. Now comes the next step and this is Advertising.



Amazon PPC Ads

Remember you watched a YouTube video on how e-commerce has huge potential well guess what thousands of other people also watched that video and now they are your competition in the free market. This is good for the consumers but not for you my dear seller. To overcome this problem, we will turn to advertisements.

Advertisements are technical and they vary from platform to platform. If you don’t have experience in running ads then you can lose thousands of rupees and can’t get even a single sale. There is also a learning curve and the platform could just change the algorithm and you will be back to square one. Not to mention that you are not alone who is doing the advertisements and you have to be very competitive as everyone is constantly trying to undercut each other for the sale.

E-commerce consultancy will take care of all in and out along with keeping it very competitive as that you don’t face any losses. Now all you have to do is wait for the sales number to go up.

My next point is linked with this point and that is conversion optimization.


Conversion optimization.

Advertising is pointless if there is no conversion or very poor conversion. To get the desired result one should always optimize our ads and many setting within our ads to properly match the market to get sales. If this is not done properly and fast enough then you could lose money.

This constant optimization needs constant monitoring and acting very fast when you notice something has changed and needs to optimize. This needs insane skills and a good e-commerce consultant has these skills.

Review and customer feedback.

If you have done any shopping online then you know the importance of the review and feedback from the customers and this is true in all of the fields. It fits in the basic human psychology; people believe in other people more than they believe in brands. It is effectively word of mouth in this digital age.

Thus, your product must have a good review because even if you could get people to your product with an advertisement, they will look for a review and if the reviews are bad, they are not going to buy your product.

An e-commerce consultancy knows how to deal with those negative reviews and remove them as soon as possible because it can’t cause a huge loss of sales and create a bad image in the market. This bad image can haunt you long after you have solved the initial problem and slowly kill your business.  

Searching and navigating new markets.
Searching and navigating new markets.

Do you want to stay where you are or you want to grow and expand your business? Of course, you want to grow and expand your business, this is what business all about and once you have gotten to a good position then you move to a different market.

Now finding this new market can be difficult as it has to be related to your current business and product along with having low competition. Expanding into new markets comes with a unique set of problems which are native to that specific market along with new opportunist to be captured. Each new market also comes with the uncertainty of whether this new platform will be able to compete with the big brands or not all of this make it quite hard to venture out of your already established segment.

E-commerce consultancy has already seen many platforms come and go and they know if a new platform can be a good opportunity for expanding the business.

If you want to jump into the e-commerce business then give us a call at +91-807906654 or you can fill out this form by clicking here and we will reach out to you.

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