Today’s article is for the people who are watching the online selling trend growing on amazon. In the past year even with all of the difficulties with COVID-19 19 India.

If we look at the trend then it is clear that the mass is shifting towards online buying. The E-commerce market is expected to grow to US$ 200 billion by 2026 from US$ 38.5 billion in 2017. Now, this is a huge number.
In this article, we will tell you how you can also get a bit on this huge pie. So, let’s jump right in.
This is a point before we jump into the actual 5 points but this is just as important as the 5 points. To sell online you need a platform and currently, there is only one undisputed champion of this world and that is amazon. If you look for the searches for both amazon and Flipkart then it becomes quite evidentiary that almost everyone is searching for amazon and almost no one is searching got Flipkart.

This graph shows the growth of both amazon and Flipkart over time and during no time Flipkart even came close to amazon. However, this is the world view, in India, they are neck to neck. If you want to grow your business outside India then it is very clear that you should go with amazon.
Now let’s get started with our 5-step process to get you started selling on amazon.
1) Get yourself registered.
This one is no brainer. If you wish to use any platform then you have to create an account. This will help amazon to keep things sorted along with adding accountability and security to the platform. Now the process of getting registered is quite simple all you have to do is fill in your basic information, such as
- Name
- Mobile number
- Mail ID
After this, you will have to provide your TAX information. This tax information includes.
Most of the time amazon automatically fetches your PAN details from your GST, but sometimes they also demand the PAN card. So, keep that in the back of your mind.
The third thing which you need to have is an active bank account to get your sweet and hard earn money. As soon as you have completed you will have access to the seller center. This will be the place where you will have access to all of the information which you will be needed.
If you don’t have GST then you can click here to get your GST.
2) Upload your listing.
Now that you have created your account. The next step is to upload your product to the platform. This can be done using the previously mentioned seller centre or through the seller app. It is not easy as it sounds there are multiple small things that need your attention and they are easy to miss. We would recommend you to hire a professional if you are unsure of what you are doing.
If you need support doing the listing then you can click here to get us to do it for you.
3) Reaching to customers.
This is directly linked with our previous steps, which was listing. If you have properly listed your products, then it would be easy for your products to come as top-ranking products when a user searches for some keyword. This is however a small step of a big process involving many other things. Such as SEO.
Another advantage of having a good listing is that if your listing is up to the mark established by amazon then it will eligible for PRIME. Prime comes with its own advantages to the seller one of them being up to 3 times boost in sales along with same-day delivery.
Another way you could reach the customer is via advertising with sponsored products and target customers who are most relevant to you.
4) Delivery of products
All of your efforts prior to this have paid off and the customer has finally placed an order with you. Now you have to ship the products to your customer. Seems easy right? No…!!! If you are new to amazon then there are few things that you should know.
- Easy ship
- Self
When it comes to delivery amazon provides you with many options to choose from and the first option is FBA. FBA stands for fulfilment by Amazon. This means that all of your products will be stored, maintained, packaged, and then shipped by Amazon along with any other custom needs which may arise. One thing to keep in mind is that Amazon will charge you for this service. Now you might think that you can do this storage and packaging all your own. If you are the seller who thinks like that then amazon has another option.
This second option is called Easy ship. It is exactly what it sounds like. Under this, you will have to do everything such as storage and packaging, but the shipping will be handled by Amazon. As you can imagine this will be cheaper than the previous option, but it will still cost you some money. After you have received the order you will have to label and package the products then you will have to collect a time for your package to be picked by the amazon people and they will ship your package. This is the middle ground between amazon doing all the work and you doing all the work. Just like we discussed this leads us to the third option which is you aka the seller doing all the work. This means that you have to take care of the storage, labelling, packaging and then shipping it to the customer, and as you can imagine this does not cost you any extra money. If you decide to do all the work on your own then you can avail prime for certain local regions. To do this please click here.
5) Receive payment
All of the work up to this point has lead you to this very point. It is finally time to get your money. The payment for your sale is deposited in your bank account. Amazon seller fee is subtracted beforehand and the remaining payment is sent to you. You will receive payment every 7 days and this includes your payment on delivery products.
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