Tired of other sellers doing mapping on you listing?
As an Amazon seller, one of the most annoying thing a seller can face is when someone does mapping on amazon your listing. The worst part is that it can be quite difficult to get rid of. All the time when someone is mapping on your listing there is a probability that the order will go to the seller who has done mapping on your listing. This is not always the case as there are a few things that affect who will get the order.
What is mapping?
Mapping is a term that is used to describe when another seller’s listing appears on your listing. To describe it in simple terms. Let’s say you sell a phone and you have worked hard to get your listing on top of the 1st page. This way you will get more orders, but there is another seller who doesn’t want to work as hard but he wants to get where you are i.e top of the front page. So what this other seller does is that attach their produce with your listing so whenever someone opens your product listing the product of this other seller will also appear on the side. So the buyer can see both your product price and the price at which other sellers are selling. Thus if the price of other sellers is less then the buyer will buy it from other sellers.
Solutions number 1
If you are selling a product on which you hold either the trade of the product or have it registered with Amazon Brand Registry then it is very easy to remove the mapping from your listing. All you have to do is raise a case with amazon and then they will take care of it. It should be stressed that this method should only be used if you have the trademark of the product.
If you don’t have the trademark of the product or you have not registered it with Amazon Brand Registry then it means that you are selling your product in a generic category. Generic category means that there is no protection on your products so if someone decides to do mapping then there is nothing you can do.
Solutions number 2
Contact the seller who has done mapping on your product and send a cease and desist letter threatening to take legal action. This might work sometime. As discussed previously if your products are listed under a generic category then you can’t do anything. So this ceases and desists letter is just a threat. The best you can do is scare the other seller into removing the mapping. If you have the trademark then you can take legal action.
Solutions number 3
Report listing. You can reach out to Amazon and report the listing as an “abuse violation to Amazon seller central.” Before you go ahead and report the mapping listing you should go ahead and order from the mapped listing and gather the document of the counterfeit product. Once you have all of the documents to back up your claim, report the listing as an abuse violation to Amazon seller central. Make sure that you include all the documents that you have collected.
Solutions number 4
Ask others to buy the products from the mapped listing and then report the said products as fake products. This should solve the issue of mapping. If you want to have a trademark of your product then please let message us in the chat and we ould be mo than happy to help you.
If these solution does not work for you then please fill this form and we can help you solve the issue.